Betty Ford letter

[ Courtesy of Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library | From the Betty Ford Papers ]

As reported by Rolling Stone, A British life insurance company recently conducted a poll of the greatest love letters of all-time. Amongst the top letters was President Gerald R. Ford’s letter to First Lady Betty Ford shortly after her discovery of breast cancer.

Ford penned the letter in the fall of 1974, less than two months after Vice President Gerald R. Ford became President of the United States following the resignation of 37th President, Richard Nixon.

First Lady Betty Ford, during a routine medical visit, was informed by her doctor that she had a lump and that she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Rather than staying quiet about her condition, Betty felt it was in her role as First Lady to bring breast cancer and early detection awareness in the pubic conversation.

President Ford also recently had pardoned Richard Nixon so that the country could finally move forward from the scandals of Watergate. Gerald visited Betty in the hospital and updated the country on her recovery from surgery.

The poll was conducted by Beagle Street “in an effort to encourage Brits to be more romantic on Valentine’s Day” as reported by UK’s Daily Mail. The all-time greatest love love was deemed a letter by Johnny Cash to his wife June Cater Cash. Also making the list were letters from Prime Minister Winston Churchill, musician Jimi Hendrix and Beethoven.

Download a PDF copy of the letter from Gerald R. Ford provided by the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library as part of the Betty Ford Papers

To read more about the poll and love letters go to the Rolling Stones article at

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