Brooklyn M. Wilson – Third Place Winner
9th Grade
Grand Rapids Catholic Central
“Liberty as a Bridge”

A bridge is a structure that is designed, built, and has the purpose of connecting two land masses together, that would otherwise be impossible or very difficult to reach. It crosses over obstacles that cannot be crossed without a bridge. Liberty is a bridge in that sense because it connects two ideas together. It takes hopes, goals, and dreams and connects them to the possibility of making them real.

When I picture liberty as a bridge, I start to think of the structure of a bridge. To design a bridge, I need a blueprint; the blueprint for liberty is the Constitution. It lays out the rights that Americans have and the freedom that we are given. Our forefathers gave us the rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. I need a foundation next; the foundation of liberty is education. We need knowledge to set up the freedom that we are trying to reach. That last thing I need for the design of a bridge is a style; the style of liberty is whatever you want it to be. It is based on your hopes and dreams that you’re striving for. Your bridge could be long, depending on how far away your dream is, or it could be short, if your dream is easier to reach. Once you have your design, you need the resources to build it; such as wood, steel, screws, or anything else you may need for the body of the bridge. The resources for liberty are all of the necessities you obtain in order to reach your goal; this could be money, wisdom, or even encouragement. Finally, you need people to build a bridge; it takes an entire crew to build just one bridge. Your crew for liberty is all of the people in your life that help you obtain your dream.

The next thought that comes to mind when I think of liberty as a bridge is what the purpose of a bridge is. It is not only a structure to cross over an obstacle, but also a structure that connects two pieces of land that are separated. Liberty is the bridge that connects one side, what already is, to the other side, what could be. Everyone starts on the side of “what already is” because it is the life you are living at that moment. The side of “what could be” is the side that you want to be on because it is where your dreams become possible. My dream is to be a professional basketball player. If someone told me that I couldn’t play pro basketball because I was a girl, then my liberty would be taken away and I wouldn’t have a way to get to my dream because there isn’t a bridge there. Liberty connects us to “what could be;” without liberty we are left wondering what those possibilities are.

Robert Frost said, “Freedom lies in being bold.” Once you have built your liberty bridge, you need the courage to cross it. You can’t be afraid of what lies beneath it, or the obstacle you are crossing. You have to be brave enough to go get your freedom.

We have to ask ourselves, “What makes liberty so special that humans are willing to kill each other for it?” Freedom is the very reason that the United States went to war in the first place, and why we continue to fight for it. It is because without liberty, there is no connection to the other side (our dreams). I am blessed to live in a country, a state, a city, a Church, a community, and a family that encourages me to pursuit my dreams. My freedom is what enables me to connect today with whatever tomorrow I choose.

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